We’re easing back into our routine after an extended weekend spent camping on the coast, in Big Sur.
So, while the camera downloads, I thought I’d catch up on things with some links of note…
Aron made apple crumble on the campfire using individual apples and it reminded me of this gorgeous recipe for Honey Graham Hasselback Apples from a few years back. In case you missed it, a reminder to put it on your autumn baking list.
A rent vs buy calculator. Pretty awesome, especially if you’re considering home ownership.
That polka-dot pinafore dress from Las Vegas? It’s in a snake print, now!
I love the pastel hues in these fall decorations.
On my to-read list.
“The worst conversation adults can have with kids about race is no conversation at all,” says author Jemar Tisby.
In praise of Oscar the Grouch.
Humming this chorus over and over. And over.
How to make friends, according to science.
Trending: A cozy plush jacket. Here’s another.
The prints and art editions section at Book/Shop is wonderful.
What does “natural flavoring” really mean?
Civil rights and human liberty at stake.
Gender-affirming care for kids and the Pediatric Association’s stance on caring for transgender children. “It’s the environment that endangers the child, … not the gender issues.”
Cultivating a willingness to be bad.
Reminded me of this: “What did you fail at?”
Also, Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave.
[Image: Honey Graham Hasselback Apples]