Our quince tree is in bloom, one of the first signs that spring is around the corner! I’m looking forward to using one of the days of the long weekend to get outside into the sunshine on a hike to appreciate those subtle changes and get my mind off things like school board meetings and impeachment trials.
What do you have planned for the weekend? We’ll do something with the kids on Sunday to mark Valentine’s Day and then I need to think on how we want to spend their spring break this year. We’re also moving out of our kitchen and living room for a week or two while our floors are refinished. Just some of this and that.
If you feel like you’re hitting a wall lately, I read something on a meme the other day that stuck with me that went something like this, ‘sometimes a wall is there for you to lean on and take a break.’ I thought that was a nice image and wish you all some rest this long weekend!
Here, also, are some Valentine’s posts from years past that you might enjoy:
How are real women around me celebrating? And how would they like to be?
A gift guide for your valentine.
And some more links of note…
Where is Friday? Where is February? (Also, that Vestaboard is pretty cool.)
“$50 trillion. That is how much the upward redistribution of income has cost American workers over the past several decades.”
Did you watch Framing Britney? I found it horrifying… mostly how little I caught all that misogyny at the time. Was that just the way it was?! (Also interesting on the topic, from Romper)
Justin Timberlake responds “I can do better and will do better.” (I wonder what that will look like.)
Our Davis PTA hosts keynote speakers each year and so the other night Peggy Orenstein talked about her book, Boys and Sex. I think that title, along with her earlier Girls and Sex, are going to be on our order list to refer to as we get closer to the teen years.
The book I couldn’t think of last week. I’ve been listening and am about half-way through, thoroughly enjoying it. But it’s long… I probably should’ve checked the page count before choosing it at this month’s book club read.
“Emptying the dishwasher can enrich kids’ mental health.”
We tried the Tik Tok Pasta last night. Delicious! (Though the kids weren’t as sold.) Have you tried it yet?
Aron and I listened to Chapter one of Test Kitchen on our last long drive. Looking forward to continuing.
Haha! “Maybe you should call your show Newsy things Considered, since I don’t get to hear about all the things.”
Valentine mocktails to make with the kids.
On my to read list: On the challenge of setting screen limits that don’t cut off kids’ social lives.
I have two spoof songs to recommend:
The Marsh family who sang my favorite “One Day More” lockdown cover at the start of the pandemic are back with this take on “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”
And if you ever catch yourself humming WAP around your kids but know you can’t play it in the car, I’ve found WAS instead! Wet And Splashy
Happy Valentine’s Day!
And Happy New Year to those celebrating today!