Happy (almost) Thanksgiving! We will spend a few days in Lake Tahoe before spending a low-key Thanksgiving back in Davis. What are your plans?
I’m completely caught up in Royal dramas lately. I’m not the only one… why is it so appealing right now? First came Diana: in her Own Words, and then the six-part docu-series The Royal House of Windsor, both on Netflix. I especially enjoyed the latter, which starts about 100 years back. Then I listened to the five-part podcast on “You’re Wrong About,” which didn’t necessarily hold new information but which felt like the kind of discussion I wish I were having out at a restaurant with friends. I especially enjoyed that the hosts are younger and bring a more outside perspective—having not been around for as much of the Charles and Diana stuff.
And now I can’t get enough of tidbits people are sharing, like this clipping about Lady Diana’s haircut and this Netflix video about costume design on The Crown. I might need to order Elizabeth Holmes’ new book.
Aron and I have been alternating episodes with Ted Lasso—a completely charming show on Apple TV, if you haven’t watched it yet.
How is everyone doing? Any other pop-culture to recommend to get me off my royal kick?
Some links of note…
Some good news! The Covid-19 vaccine tracker.
Some bad news: The current U.S. infection map. (Here’s a world map.)
Cons vs Failed Coups. “Trump’s bad con continues to show how easy it would be to stage a good one. Then we would call it a coup.”
Bedtime stories by Native and Indigenous authors.
AMC’s top ten list for Thanksgiving, (including my favorite). Anything you’d add?
Hopefully you’re staying safe and following CDC recommendations this year. Rachel Maddow makes a poignant and powerful case.
Eating alone or with just your immediate family? A small menu.
Caution about relying on pre-Thanksgiving Covid testing alone. (It doesn’t mean you’re safe.)
Also, bring your HEPA filter with you.
And here’s some advice for how to address the situations that make you uncomfortable.
If you’re staying home and cooking for the first time, you might find some of these tips helpful.
Here are some food safety recommendations to add, if you are sharing a meal.
Heartbreaking. A reminder that 250,000+ isn’t just a number.
At least 92,000 have filed sex abuse claims against the Boy Scouts.
Lena Dunham’s essay on “giving up on Motherhood.”
The little owl found inside the Rockefeller tree.
So… was it hair dye?
PBS comes through with the Charlie Brown specials.
Hallmark is having a Christmas movie marathon on Thanksgiving weekend. Any favorites? (I’m not sure I’ve seen any.)
We visited Carmel recently and had a wonderful time at these tide pools.
The ShopBop Sale Designer day is today.
Are you getting gift guide fatigue? It’s all coming so early this year. And I know many families are feeling incredibly stretched. I usually put some together, but we’ll see… If it’s something you’re looking for here: From the archives, some of my favorite gifts of all time. (Use them for inspiration and shop locally!)
[Image from Marie Claire Australia, article on the “Balmoral Test”]