There’s a theme to many of my food posts. Have you noticed? Things I made that I miss from New York.

You were thinking: things that are bad for you? Fair enough. (Actually, before we left, I truly made a list of things from NY I’d like to learn to replicate. This pizza was step one.)

These were easier. Anyone can make Momofuku Milk Bar cookies now, because they sell a mix in a box!
Knowing we would at some point start waxing nostalgic about that crazy butterscotch-chocolate-coffee-powdered milk-pretzel-potato chip-combination of a cookie, we picked up a box of cookie mix before leaving town. I bought ours from the Milk Bar around the corner from our apartment (danger, danger) and they sold me small bags of Cape Cod Potato Chips and Snyder’s Pretzels alongside it; the box mix includes chocolate and butterscotch chips, oats, graham crackers and coffee, but you need to add your own favorite potato chips and pretzels.

Crispy on the edges, chewy in the center–and straight out of the East Village.
Compost Cookie Mix (And I just learned that you can take baking classes from Milk Bar, too!)
P.S. My other favorites in NY: Levain bakery and (seasonal) City Bakery Cookies.