I shared this photo on Instagram this week, but it’s just making me laugh. This is my view through the bathroom door—most of the time. This little lovely lady turns four on Monday, so we’re having a very colorful, sparkly party for her on Saturday morning. We first scheduled it for Sunday afternoon, until a few people were kind enough to remind me that there’s this big football game happening. Whoops! Saturday morning it is! It’s been so fun hearing all of her party planning wishes. I’ll be a little sorry to actually have to choose only one cake design this Friday. There are so many possibilities!
It’s been a busy time both kids. Hudson was Star of the Week in his class, so we made a poster with photos from his life; he brought a favorite toy each day, Tuesday through Thursday; and today, Aron, Skyler, Sawyer, and I will visit his class and talk about him! He also had his first violin lesson on Thursday. Then, on Monday, it’s his 100th day of school, so they bring a collection of 100 items and dress like a centenarian. That night we’ll celebrate Skyler’s actual birthday with family.
What are your plans for the weekend? Will you watch the Superbowl?
Here are some links of note that you might enjoy…
Hudson has been interested in the violin for a long time. Looking back, which instrument is the best first instrument for kids?
This made me laugh: What air travel is really like
How to write the perfect Thank You Card
Do we need to use numbers in symbols in passwords?
Burning, lately.
What I learned from a year of second-hand shopping.
This all happened in 1968: An incredible collection of photos from 50 years ago.
50 questions to ask after school instead of “How was your day?”
What kids are really learning about slavery.
Cook Beautiful is, well, beautiful!
11 founders, all women, who must feel great about 2018.
What effect does paternity leave have on the “motherhood penalty“?
The Murphy Brown and Dan Quayle story was a major moment in my childhood. I’m going to be interested in following this.
I’ve been thinking about white high tops lately. I think this would be a nice Valentine’s day present.
Let’s talk about beer.
The American Dilemma: Why do we still watch football?
Finally, this article has been going around about “mommy blogging.” I made the mistake of reading the comments, which I found so offensive and generally sexist—so I’ve sort of put it out of my head. I felt myself agreeing with the author about the over-commodification dilemma, but too often these articles/forums stink of the prejudice that women should do things for free. I’d love to see a bit more grappling with the politics of calling these women “mommy,” too. As you’re blog readers, you may be interested in this one.
Enjoy the weekend!