Happy (almost) Halloween! We’re in the late stages of putting together costumes and doing our best to fit in traditions like pumpkin-carving and hay mazes before November comes.
Skyler has made a request that has been harder than expected to fulfill and Aron and I were laughing about how she hasn’t checked in on it once. Oh, the trust! That it will just magically appear on Halloween? Of course in the behind-the-scenes of it all we’re checking to see how much felt and glue sticks we have on hand in text threads with each other. It’s always a mad dash!
Aron and I had about three different plans and then I got that clothes-rental subscription and found a jumpsuit that made one of them easier to pull together than the other. Voila! I’ll share some photos after the weekend, but it’s always a secret for our friends’ party on Saturday.

Last year we were Princess Diana and (now-King) Charles. I don’t think I had posted photos on here, but it was a lot of fun wearing that giant dress everywhere. I usually try to come up with some excuse to wear a blonde wig, it seems.

Have a great weekend! Some links of note…
On a related note, it’s fascinating to think about how our understanding of the behind-the-scenes of the royal family will be shaped so much by Prince Harry’s forthcoming memoir and the new season of The Crown (link to the new trailer).
In reading about the passing of Angela Lansbury (forever Aron’s favorite celebrity-meet), I learned that she moved to Ireland for a year to save her daughter from becoming a follower of Charles Manson!
Behind the scenes of She Said. “The most frequent reaction we’ve gotten to our book, and now the film, is that going through this recent history is less depressing and more galvanizing than people assumed. Perhaps that’s because the story answers the perennially difficult question of how you confront a bully: You do it together.” Love that.
Here’s the She Said trailer, which looks amazing.
The Amy Schumer videos about the scary decline in women’s rights to healthcare are so funny/scary/great: On birth control access; On healthcare privatization; and on finding access to… Colorado. Which is your favorite?
Half the World Has a Clitoris. Why Don’t Doctors Study It?
I know I said this last year, but this year we are getting an air fryer. I want all the air-fryed brussel sprout recipes!
A fun list of the “best” 80s movies. That said, I need them to include details about how the sex/race/gender/etc content holds up. It’s always a little scary turning on these old favorites now, right? ‘Will it pass the Bechdel test? Or, really, any tests?’
If I emailed my parents like the Democrats emailed me. So true!
IPhone features you might have missed. Amazing what I still don’t know about the thing I use for hours every day.
I tend to forget about Terrain until the holidays. They have such pretty, dried wreaths, and some more unusual small gifts to give.
If you love patterns and bright colors and feel bummed out by solid puffy jackets, these Farm Rio ones would be a beautiful alternative. (I’m coveting some of the dresses, too.)
Here for the return of mid-length skirts and slouchy boots. Was always my favorite type of outfit on my mom in the early ’80s, so it has a lovely nostalgia. I like this denim version of the look, paired with a blouson top.
An old post that might be relevant to you again: How to get great family photos for holiday cards (tips from a photographer).