California is on the brink of a dangerous heat wave (high of 114 here on Tuesday) so naturally we’re pulling out some slushy drink recipes right now. Rosé frozé (pictured) remains a favorite, but the kids and I went for frozen yogurt and Skyler chose the pineapple dole whip flavor, so my mind has gone more tropical. But in all seriousness, here’s hoping everyone stays safe. Stay hydrated and cool! I found this graphic on recognizing the symptoms of heat exhaustion versus heat stroke. It’s especially difficult considering all of those usual places of respite—movie theatres, malls, etcetera—are closed.
Actually, we escaped to the coast yesterday to cool off. The kids were so excited to play in the waves at Stinson Beach. There are sand crabs galore and they were busy moving them into cups, dumping them out, finding them again, and on and on for hours. I grew up in southern California going to Seal Beach and Huntington Beach and the wide strip of hot sand reminded me of that. I helped Hudson catch a few waves body surfing and he called me the master of it. That couldn’t be farther from the truth, but I still get excited about impressing my kids. We stopped at Shake Shack on the way home, rounding out the day quite nicely. But I did realize that I’d missed posting Friday links!
So here’s a few of note that I’ve been holding onto…
Hip hip hooray! Joe & Kamala! Let’s do this!!!
Terrifying and outrageous.
School’s back for us on August 26. A sample reopening survey to make us laugh… or cry.
And a toy with the same effect?
On my to-read list: Setting up learning pods.
And to-watch list: Advice for parents on PBS.
Erin’s design finds are so good. The tile floor in this one is amazing.
Alanis juggles on Jimmy Fallon. Love it.
We spent last week in Lake Tahoe and went on lots of hikes and bike rides, all made so much easier with these hydration backpacks for the kids. No more stopping every five minutes for water breaks! We now make them take them everywhere at home, too. There’s a little pocket big enough for some snacks, too.
We also got lots of questions about the kids’ kayaks. Here’s an old post about them.
I’ve been listening to a lot of audio books on walks lately. Right now, Meryl Streep is reading Heartburn to me. It’s lovely! Just before that was Kevin Kwan’s new book, Sex & Vanity. That one, by the way, is a retelling of E.M. Forster’s Room With a View (or at least the Merchant Ivory film version, which I LOVED)—even if most reviews I’ve read don’t seem to mention it. Any audiobook recs for me? I’ve learned these more fun reads are pretty motivating.
I finally watched… er, binged… Indian Matchmaking. So many thoughts! Meanwhile, Aron and I finished and loved Babylon Berlin and are in the midst of watching Quiz. Anything you’re watching lately?
New jumpsuit wishlist pick.
Some old posts to revisit:
A No-Oven-Required Summer Meal
Any links you’d like to share?
P.S. Are you registered to vote? Double check here! (I just tried it—super easy and I opted in to ballot tracking.)