A couple of weekends back, we stopped at Angora Lake in South Lake Tahoe to see some friends who were spending a week there, and someone let Hudson try out this 6-foot Wave Kayak for kids. It was incredible!
I’ve take Hudson Kayaking a few times in an adult-sized double, and couldn’t believe the difference it made for him to have an appropriately sized paddle and platform. He and another 6-year-old friend took turns paddling around the lake, pulling out onto rocks—they had so much fun with the autonomy of it, and the kayak seemed so stable.
Just wanted to share in case anyone might be considering introducing kids to some special water recreation this year—with life vests and adult supervision, of course!

P.S. Hudson’s first time kayaking with me—in Monterey Bay. And more photos from our stop at Angora Lake.
**Also, today is the last day for the Closet Sale on Instagram, if you’re interested!