It feels strange to say TGIF and yet, with Aron working full-time at the hospital, there’s still excitement about weekends over weekdays.
The temperature is rising swiftly here and so the kids have been doing more swimming in the afternoons. The bees have been, too—which means Hudson and Skyler are constantly trying to rescue them in spite of my cautions. Hudson was stung yesterday—and again today. Skyler came running in yelling five minutes later that she just pulled out her tooth. Always exciting! We’re doing our best to keep the Spanish practice up with videos and class conferences, and have dropped off from some of the other online offerings we as more schoolwork moves online. The junior version of Ticket to Ride is now something we do in pajamas while I have coffee. Dinners have gotten more creative, but lunches have gotten more routine. Most days I just point the kids to the PB&J materials. Eggs and cheese quesadillas, which they named “Mamadillas,” are the other go-to (a little like this).
What are your days looking like lately?
Some links of note…
Appreciating Austin Kleon’s tips for working from home.
Gabrielle Hamilton asks if the world needs a restaurant like her Prune anymore.
The Wildsam downloadable Kid’s travel guide looks great.
Michelle Obama starts “Mondays with Me” with PBS Kids and Penguin Random House.
We really enjoyed the Disney+ Imagineering story about designing Disneyland, so this Khan Academy exercise could be a good pairing.
Our kitchen counter device charging needs are nuts right now. Thinking we might actually need something more formal to organize it all.
Mother’s day is coming up. Should I still pull together some gift ideas? Here’s a previous list of suggestions, including something to pull together at the grocery store that seems especially relevant for now.
Baby Raccoon Boom in Riverside Park? That video!
Enjoyed Leanne Ford’s thoughts on home—and the glimpses into hers.
We finally made #TheStew and it did not disappoint.
I’m looking forward to trying this egg roll in a bowl recipe over the weekend.
Would normally make me laugh. How has it come to this?!