Our living room looks quite different right now—filled with Christmas decorations and the occasional fire. I took these photos of our home a few months back, to share on Design Mom; they just ran, with an interview, last week!
It reminded me of the first time I’d gone through the house with a camera for a similar reason, usually with Skyler strapped to my chest. She was just a few months old! Instead of Sawyer on the floor of the living room, it was a little baby. It feels like yesterday. Look how tiny she was here!

I remember thinking, afterward, I should have asked someone else to take the photos—but then I wouldn’t have this one of her.
Besides the children and their rooms, not much has changed in the house since that first home tour—and I still wasn’t clever enough to ask someone else to come take the pictures so that Aron and I might be in one—but I’d still love to share my favorites…

This white couch is one of the few things we kept from our New York apartment. I usually hang out here when the kids are sleeping or having quiet time—the room gets the best light and feels so calm, probably owing to the fact that we don’t use it as much. We found the painting at an estate sale in town, just after we’d moved here. I’m really drawn to scenes that evoke swimming or the beach.

I’d happened to bring home a cake on the same day our house had been cleaned. I realized it was my chance to take a bunch of photos for that guest post, as I’d been meaning to do for some time. So while this looks totally staged, it was just a happy coincidence!

I think I love Skyler’s little Vespa balance bike more than she does—she still favors a trike—so it gets to stay in her room, safe from the elements.

Serving birthday cake and singing to celebrate is one of her favorite things to do right now. Our dog has a lot of birthday parties.

We used to have a rug on Hudson’s floor and while I miss it, he’s asked that it stay rolled up under the bed. Construction projects are best completed on a smooth surface.

Last time he was in a crib.

The bookshelves in my office need some pruning, but I’ve been using Audible a lot lately—so the content here has remained relatively unchanged.

I love our bedroom. I wish I spent more time in bed. I should be there now…

…doing something like this lazy bum.
Here’s the interview, if you’d like to read it. It’s always hard to talk about oneself, but she sent me a ton of interesting questions. One of the hardest-to-answer questions that Gabrielle asked was “what do you wish someone had told you?” How would you have answered?
P.S. Our full Home Tour here and on A Cup of Jo. Also, thank you so much for the nice comments on the last post. I am so touched when anyone takes the time to comment and these ones were so encouraging!