A little over a week ago, on a rainy Sunday, we all walked up to Beehives & Buzzcuts on First Avenue, and Hudson sat down for his very first haircut (gulp!). It was hard deciding to snip some of those little duck-like baby curls, but Aron rightly convinced me that they were getting a little unruly. Hudson’s feelings about the whole thing seemed to be on a little roller coaster: He was uncertain about being strapped in the chair at first; then reassured by the pretty stylist (he showed her his flirtiest smile); and then mesmerized by the dancing frog she placed in front of him for distraction. But then the lower lip came out with full force as soon as she went for that first snip. (How’d he know?) He reached up and grabbed the comb and I was pretty impressed to see that she was prepared to let him take comb and after comb–new ones would just appear from her pocket while the one she’d been using would go straight to his mouth. Next he resumed an air of calm–curious mostly–but he was not so sure he liked the sticky roller clean-up business that followed the cut. And then minutes later he was bouncing up and down like it had all been the most exciting thing he’d ever done. Like EVER.
What a sweetie. We were sent home with a certificate, a few locks of hair, and a family photo. (And Hudson got to go stand up and taste the train engines at the play tables in Barnes & Noble while we admired his new profile.)