As of today, I’m 19 weeks along in my second pregnancy. I find myself getting distracted on the computer, looking back at photos from our first few months after Hudson was born, trying to remember exactly what it was like. (Of course photos hardly tell the whole story; no camera is out for all of those middle of the night feedings, for example. Boy was I caught up on current affairs… and Mad Men.)
I keep coming across images I’d forgotten all about, like these ones of Hudson and I at one our favorite breakfast haunts, Untitled, at The Whitney Museum.

Plenty of those early pictures make my shoulders raise up with trepidation—images taken at the hospital during labor, photos of tired eyes and a puffy post-partum face, the weary smile in an iPhone pic snapped while one of us ridiculously bounces for what feels like hours as we hope for Hudson to sleep. It’s probably best not to think too hard on it.

But most of the photos—ones like these—make me incredibly nostalgic and I get really excited to think we get to have a brand-new little person in our lives, someone so sweet as this all over again.
And so soon, too!
P.S. Some other favorite nostalgia-inducing photos, Hudson at one year, and his mini-crib in New York. Oh, and what is was like traveling with a baby at 8-months.