Had we been using metal pails, I think you might have heard Skyler’s blackberries going “Kerplunk.” One in, one out.

Yesterday, after our drive home from Monterey, we were invited to pick blackberries at friends’ nearby home. These are the same friends who make the wonderful Yolo Press Olive Oil you can pick up at our local farmer’s market, and who so kindly invited us over to pick apricots for this tart one year. We wouldn’t miss the chance to visit their beautiful property.

All week we’ve been driving through California—up the coast and through the central valley—and remarking what a beautiful place this is. It was wonderful to come home and appreciate the beauty of the local farms in our own proverbial backyard.
(And actually, tonight, we’ll get to go pick blackberries in Aron’s actual backyard! His mother, you may recall, has incredible vines she’s put years of love into, and they’re just beginning to fruit!)

It will be 97 degrees one day this week and I can see the school’s end on the calendar. Summer is fast approaching…
P.S. Picking strawberries on Long Island. And, just in case you haven’t read it, this post title is a reference to the wonderful children’s book, Blueberries for Sal.
[Update: my top is from Mollusk and Skyler’s dress is by Tea Collection]