Ever since we bought a whoopie pie in Pennsylvania–just past a covered bridge, from an Amish farmer’s side-of-the road stand, no less–last summer, they’ve held a bit of romantic fascination. It would seem, though, that I’m not the only one. Whoopie pies have been having a moment (more like a year or two, really).
The classic whoopie is a sandwich of chocolate cake and creamy-white (marshmallowy) filling. And they come with a very cute story: apparently, Amish farmers would find these treats in their lunch and would shout “Whoopie!” This time I tried one made of pumpkin cake and cream cheese frosting. Delicious–and a lot more like a cupcake, but I’m not complaining.
Bonus: Cobble Hill’s One Girl Cookies might just be one of the prettiest sweet-shops I’ve been to in a while.