Happy April 1st! I successfully pranked the kids this morning—with no tears like the time I replaced lucky charms with confetti—so my day is complete. How about you? Any good pranks this year? My goal is always to be as gentle as I hope they’ll be on me when they finally remember the day of the month.
We just came back from Costa Rica, where we spent a week for spring break. It was wonderful! We visited the same places that Aron and I went back in 2010, but of course everything felt different with kids. It was thrilling to see it with them.
This weekend my plan is to finish downloading photos and to catch up with friends, because next week is my surgery to repair my deviated septum (I can only really breathe out of one side of my nose) and I’ll be out of commission for a couple of weeks. If anyone has had a similar procedure and has last-minute tips, I’m all ears!
So, only a few links this week, as I’ve been a bit out of the loop. Let me know what pop-culture finds on your radar. I’d love to stockpile some entertainment!
An interesting read on the challenge in European classrooms trying to address the topic of the war in Ukraine.
“On April 22, 2022, the National Wildlife Foundation and partners will break ground on the largest wildlife crossing in the world.” (In Los Angeles!)
What a lovely reading spot.
The other Pink Floyd turned up in Texas after escaping a zoo 17 years ago.
Whoah, have you seen the latest IG update? Feels a bit ruthless deciding which friends’ photos belong in favorites.
You have a masterpiece in your photo library: “Every now and then, you’ll find a gift—a masterpiece, at least for you.”
“Solar Orbiter’s latest images shows the full Sun in unprecedented detail. They were taken on 7 March, when the spacecraft was crossing directly between the Earth and Sun.”
On my to-read list: “How to get your kid to do stuff without having to constantly remind them”
We are finally returning to this pantry project that got waylaid years ago. Any tips to add in the comments?