Sorry for disappearing for a while! The news was feeling all too grim for a links list and I needed a break. (This cartoon was my mood.)
But California survived the recall, the Caldor Fire is getting increasingly contained, and vaccines for kids under 12 might be available in the next couple of weeks! I’m feeling hopeful and re-energized to focus on more fun things like my favorite new nail polish and confessing the too-many-hours I’ve spent recently watching reality television.
Some things making me smile lately…
Pink Clarity Nail Polish. I bought myself a gel manicure kit and realized that I love clear-ish gel for just a natural shine. This “pink clarity” color duo comes with a non-gel polish and just has the best bit of pink-ish glow.
Love Island UK. Never would have thought, but I’ve been distracting myself with Love Island UK the last couple of months and I confess I’ve been addicted to the Season 3 season on Hulu. I’ve just loved one character in particular (Camilla, who partnered with the absolutely gorgeous fellow, Jamie) and searched out this podcast interview she gave about learning from failures and I love her even more! It’s a wonderful interview and doesn’t require having watched the show.
This interview Jordan Ferney gave about making friends as an adult. And I felt incredibly flattered when she references my book club in it.
Scrambled States of America. Hudson is memorizing all the states and it has been a perfect time for pulling out this game for family game nights. You can play a slower, less-competitive round with younger kids/early readers or a fast-paced, slap-it version. Highly recommended!
Leo’s Oyster Bar. Aron and I got away for a couple of nights in San Francisco and went to this cute oyster bar—they played great music, served the most buttery, delicious lobster roll, and checked our vaccination cards before we sat down inside.
Celebrating my birthday! (New silk pajamas was one nice birthday gift to myself.)
I bought a couple of headbands—first in a long time—and have been loving this faux-leather braided one.
Colson Whitehead has a new novel out, Harlem Shuffle, and I can’t wait to read it.
This humorous essay from McSweeney’s which advocates for the vaccination and which resonates with me in terms of the resentment I feel about those unwilling to get it—even if I would never speak to anyone like this. (Language-warning!)
Reading Mac Barnett’s Kid Spy Novels aloud to the kids is the best. The ’80s references are all so good and allow me to explain things like VHS tapes and the Cold War to them. (We’ve now moved on to the Ramona series.)
Any of Sarah Marshall’s podcasts. Both “You Are Good” (formerly “Why Are Dads”) and “You’re Wrong About” are fantastic. I’ve been flying through the archives of the former.
Have a great weekend! We’ll be watching Skyler play in her first soccer game!
[Image via Sezane—whose fall jackets are so good.]