Happy Friday! Trying to hold onto that Wednesday high as long as possible! From Amanda Gorman, “there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it; if only we’re brave enough to be it.”
Be well everyone… some links of note…
Amanda Gorman gave me goosebumps! Here’s an earlier recitation of a poem she wrote entitled Earthrise.
Speaking of whom, her first children’s book is already a #1 best-seller (and it’s not even out until September!).
I spent last night listening to the school board meeting about try to get kids to some kind of in-person hybrid instruction this year (as if my listening will make an ounce of difference) and screaming into a wine glass. Will my child’s school (ever) re-open?
This is on my to-read list when I’m feeling more calm about it.
Tips for keeping up a bullet journal.
Common Sense Media (which I wrote about here) is launching its own content service for kids.
Amy Schumer on screen time.
Which reminds me, this photo resonated with a lot of you on Instagram. (Here’s the actual NYT article):

“Come with me if you want to live.” Oh, Awwwnold.
President Biden (!) has rejoined the U.S. into the Paris Climate Accord.
An NPR analysis has found that nearly 1 in 5 people charged over their alleged involvement in the attack on the U.S. Capitol appear to have a military history.
“Lessons I’ve Learned in Online School”
Speaking of a good laugh: Reading this with Aron. Makes me want to re-watch The Fugitive.
A tortilla hack I’ll be trying this weekend.
Love, love Barnaby The Pensive Persian Cat
The shock expressed over the Dakota Johnson lime story made me laugh. Wasn’t it clearly sarcasm at the time? “I like to present them like this.” (It’s a great house tour if you haven’t seen it.)
For my cold feet, I need this under my desk.
Related: I bought these boots when we first moved to New York and I’m still using them every winter in the Sierras.
We also just finished watching Bridgerton, followed by Lupin (really fun!). What should we watch next?
Hank Aaron died at the age of 86. My eyes teared up today when I learned that “[b]ecause of the threat of violence against Aaron, his family would have to join the millions of people to see the record setting home run [number 715, besting Babe Ruth] from home. / Aaron’s son, Lary, who was 16 at the time, said he was terrified when his father made the historic hit. ‘When the guys ran out on the field, it was most scary part,’ Lary Aaron told Mississippi Braves radio announcer Kyle Tait. ‘We didn’t know who they were.'” (WSBTV Atlanta) Rest in peace, Hammerin’ Hank.
[Photo of Skyler watching Kamala Harris being sworn in as Vice President!]