How was your week? I’d say mine felt mixed: Sunday, Mother’s Day, was so, so wonderful, as was Tuesday, when we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary with a long bike ride, but the days after seemed especially grey and cloudy in the return to schoolwork and zoom calls and the literal grey clouds. California sunshine has made me even more sensitive to the lack of it, I think. I’ve turned into a heat-seeking lizard. We also got the news that all of the California State Universities are going online in the fall. It makes sense—they need to plan ahead—but I like to keep my thinking to days-at-a-time right now. How about you?
I finished watching Normal People and ordered a new book from our local bookstore, and Aron and I started the new season of Dead to Me. What are you watching or reading lately?
I’ve been putting on exercise-friendly clothes in the morning and trying to fit into little bouts of exercise. This was inspiring.
Some good news! Hamilton will stream a year early!
Last week I shared Josh Gad’s Reunited Together featuring The Goonies and this week it’s Back to the Future!
Michelle and Barack read The Word Collector.
“Using what I have has improved my daily life.”
How should we balance wellbeing and wellness continues to be the question around here.
Especially in light of this new, scary article. (And this one.) Sorry.
I really think we need to start talking about alternatives for restaurants. This seems like a good idea to me.
The FBI served a warrant this week and seized Senator Burr’s cell phone. Recall: he did some insider trading and dumped his stocks just before the stock market bottomed out.
@SarahCPR’s Trump lipsyncs are so good (as in so good I want to cry).
And because it made me look it up… “Obamagate.”
I’ve been curious how the world views the American response to Covid-19.
My kids and I watched all those cool OK Go videos together. They just released a new song along with a moving letter.
I watched all of these as re-runs after school all the time… and couldn’t remember half of the names!
Hope you have a nice weekend!