If you happen to have neighbors who share their winter citrus bounty, consider yourself lucky—and consider using some of it to make some marmalade. A few years back, we happened to have enough Kumquats on our trees to try it with the small, tart fruits and used a basic 1:1 fruit to sugar ratio so as not to hide the brilliant flavor of the citrus. It turned out delicious! It’s also an easy one for children to help with—who can eat it up alongside a reading of Paddington. Find the recipe for Kumquat Marmalade here, but this could be easily adapted to any citrus, adjusting the sugar depending on the sweetness of the variety.
Any fun plans for the weekend? We’re gearing up for our first season of little league, attending some birthday parties, and going out to a crab feed with friends. I have some home-improvement projects on my mind, too, so it’s a good time to stay close.
Here are some links of note to start it off…
Speaking of Paddington, Ben Whishaw is coming back as the voice of the bear in a new television series next year.
Grounding Virtues, from The On Being Project
A rare beauty captured by camera.
Ha! Michelle’s mom keeps her humble.
Read about this a while back: the only pencil sharpener you’ll ever need in your house.
“I taught you to find empathy for the likes of Boo Radley, Walter Cunningham, and Tom Robinson, but maybe we all would have been better off if I’d focused on the basic human duty you owed to the girl sitting next to you.”
Would love to see this bold print in a kid’s bedroom.
I hope we read his book about monsters one day.
“Mommy-wars” and why we should feel entitled to more.
Finally, some good news!
This vulva v. vagina thread is pretty funny.
I’ve been told this really does work for tired eyes. Anyone tried it?
Really enjoyed listening to comic Roy Wood Jr. on Fresh Air, talk about being black in America (like needing a bag at Best Buy!)
When you just need a basic beanie.
Just got some samples from the TOMS collaboration with Sesame Street, and they’re adorable. (I think the Bert and Ernie ones are my favorite!)
Call me crazy, but ever since I read this Chicken Nugget ranking a few years ago, I’ve wanted to try the Wendy’s chicken nuggets. Finally got my chance on I-5 this weekend. (Related: French fries. Agree?)
I never shopped at Abercrombie when I was the target age, but it’s a favorite surprise resource for me, now. They’re having their 50% off sale right now and I like the look of these jackets: windowpane trench, raincoat, and double-breasted blazer.
““The point is, you’ve already won if you’ve had people who are singing your songs word for word, if you’re a hero in your home town, if there are people with regular jobs coming out in the rain and the snow, spending their hard-earned money to buy tickets to come to your shows…” (But, still, the Grammy’s are trying.)
And remember, when you’re done with those roses, you could eat them.