This is actually a setting on our camera. Isn’t that hilarious? (Dog lovers don’t fear, there’s a similar pup mode, too.)
In the end, we decided this time to leave the waterproof iPhone case behind and instead buy a waterproof camera for ourselves. This one is the Olympus Stylus TG-2
Here are some more items of note…
Another camera I’d like to try (a super-light DSLR). Sidenote: I’d love to go back to stay on Fire Island.
My friend, the lovely Samantha Hahn, just published a book filled with her gorgeous watercolor portraits. Check out Well-Read Women
And Kera, a longtime online friend, started a beautiful new business called Interwoven—full of artisan textiles from far-off places. She has amazing taste!
I contributed a truth, tip, and find to the site 3 Things for Mom.
And gave an interview about travel here. (Find more on the trips I reference—India, Vermont, and Italy, for example—in Travelogues.)
We came home and realized we need more lighting in the house. Love these pendant lamps by artist Heather Levine. (I wish we’d brought home more copper ones from Bali!)
Call it bohemian and it’s likely I’d love it. I think this does it: I’m going to tag my aspirational home style (Californian) Bohemian Modern. Let’s see if that self-awareness helps me to finish anything in the house.
Ikea rooms without the price bubbles. They’re so lovely!
Allie Lehman and David Sherry started a new site for bloggers in need of free, high-res, beautiful images, called Death to the Stock Photo.
I found this post, “Saying Good Riddance to the Clean-Plate Club” intriguing. (And mildly reassuring.) Parents of picky eaters… something to think about. There are some good ideas in the comments section, by the way.
Finally, just a reminder in case you’ve been having trouble keeping up with Hither & Thither since Google Reader disappeared. I’ve been trying out Feedly and Bloglovin’ (I like both), but you can also follow along on Twitter or Facebook, or sign up for email delivery!
Have a great (long) weekend!