After years of pining, Aron treated me to a pair of Frye’s Dorado Riding Boots last year. Funny thing was–once they came, I realized that my trusty Madewell Archive Leather Boots were pretty darn awesome and that I didn’t need such an extravagant gift. I think he secretly sighed in relief, while I tried not to look back as I handed the boots over to UPS.
But this year I spotted some Frye lookalikes at Aldo and couldn’t help myself. A few of you asked about the boots I’m wearing on our trip to Apple Hill; those are the Aldo Laverdiere boots in the dark brown–which look suspiciously similar to the Frye Dorados, don’t you think? (But they cost a whole lot less.) I also think the Aldo Fantlants look exactly like the classic Frye Melissa Button Boot.
[Images and shopping links (clockwise from top left) Frye Dorado Riding Boot; Aldo Laverdiere Boot; Frye Melissa Button Boot ; Aldo Fantlant BootP.S. I wish everyone could have won the Radisson giveaway. I know you had to comment, but I loved hearing from so many of you! I’ll be announcing the winner on that post and contacting them by email. Thanks again!