We’re deep in the throws of summer camps and bike rides and public pool meetups around here! Hudson is finishing up a week of a city camp called Camp Putah today. They bike all over and spend their days playing in the creek and then, on Thursday night, they camp out. It was a highlight of last summer and I think it will be of this one, too. Skyler is spending mornings back at her preschool for its summer camp—we got to delay the true goodbye to her teachers a little longer. Do your kids do camps?
I’ve been trying to get back into a routine of enjoying all the in-season fruits and veggies and less of that stuff above, but isn’t tempting to just go out for ice cream every day with the kids? It just makes them so happy! I’ve also been chipping away at photo editing in the few free hours and I promise I will finally finish one of those travelogues next week! That pizza, by the way, was our favorite (Motorino) and it was so nice we went there twice!
This weekend, my parents-in-law are kicking off there 50th anniversary year with a ‘start of the 50th year’ cake party at their church. Isn’t it a nice idea to make the whole year a special one? (This December will be the start of my parents’ 50th year, too!)
Some links of note…
Probably the read that has stuck with me most this week was this interview with Michael Garcia Bochenek, who is the senior counsel to the Children’s Rights division of Human Rights Watch, talking about the condition of detention facilities for children around the world and what makes our current situation similar or different. One major takeaway: “The real question that is precisely the right one is: Why are they in the holding cells at all? Why not quickly move them to more appropriate accommodations? There’s no good answer to that. It’s not as though the U.S. has no capacity to do that.”
But it’s a close call with every single news story about Jeffrey Epstein and his years of sexual abuse and trafficking of children, that crazy plea deal (currently resigning Labor Secretary) Alexander Acosta made, and all the ties to other schmarmy fellas (like Donald Trump, maybe Bill Clinton, and so on and so on). This Twitter thread reads like a Cliffs’ notes if you’re not already watching the iceberg being chipped at.
“Plotted like a thriller but seemingly born of a ménage à trois between an Italo Calvino novel, a mommy blog, and Shirley Jackson’s ‘domestic memoirs,’ here is the next novel mothers will be passing around like illicit candy.” So says Vulture of The Need.
If shootings are a public health crisis that will affect one million Americans in the next decade, why are doctors being shut out by the NRA? (And my question: why are Republicans supporting that?)
Look son, it’s not personal. It’s just biology. (Made me laugh. Yay, team USA!!!)
Teen marijuana use is down in states where it’s legal. (The thinking is that legal dispensaries are more likely to require proof of age.)
This is straight out of a sci-fi novel: Sonic sounds to repel teenagers!
The ‘It Books’ of Summers Past
We absolutely loved doing a food tour in Mexico City. I’d like to go on some of these!
Oatmeal confetti. Brilliant. (P.S. More parent hacks.)
Was Shakespeare a woman? Of course! Loved this read.
Reminded me of this discovery of Lapis Lazuli in dental plaque remains that confirmed female artists and scribes were indeed making books 1000 years ago.
We finally got an InstaPot (it’s on pre-Prime Day sale right now), but I could use some recipes. Any favorites?
Got this top from Sézane while we were in New York and finally wore it out last night—I love it!
PSA: The huge Nordstrom anniversary sale opens early access today. I’ll probably do a picks-post later. It’s a good time to look at denim (like Frame and Topshop) and cooler-temp clothes like coats and sweaters (like this cardigan). The public sale starts on the 19th.
Enjoy the weekend!