On Sunday, my friends Melissa and Emarie threw the most lovely party for me and the baby. I couldn’t get over just how pretty everything was! I felt some initial guilt over the idea of a shower for a second child, but I can’t say enough about how wonderful it felt to let myself get excited for this entirely new little person, among wonderful friends. (Many also new!) Our family, this new baby as well as Hudson, Aron, and I, are so lucky to have all this warmth around us.
(And quite literally, too—who would have thought we would be having lunch outside in January?!)
I can’t help but want to share some photos…
Fun fact: Emarie and Melissa are both expecting, too! In fact, there were seven of us there who are pregnant, and two more who had babies in the past three months! (You’ll forgive me, I hope, if babies and maternity posts are a bit more frequent over the next few months. The topic is definitely in the air around here.)
Emarie had set up decorations from the Confetti system by the bar: juices to be topped with sparkling wine or water.

And beautiful flowers (like almond branches and one of my favorites, ranunculus) all around.
It was awesome to be surrounded by so many interesting women—and everyone looked so beautiful!

One of Emarie’s neighbors cooked Thai food for us. It brought me back to our honeymoon and made me want to revisit my cooking-class notes! My mother-in-law was the first to point out how incredible it was that every long bean had been hand-tied into knots, in one of the curries.
(Oh, and how gorgeous is that little 8-week-old boy?!)

I thought it was a brilliant idea that, since we have a lot of what we need, many women went in together to help us with a couple larger items we had borrowed when we were living in New York. But so many people brought us sweet newborn gifts to indulge a girl, too. (Like warmer outfits, as Hudson was born during a New York heat wave!) I’d forgotten just how small those first clothes are.

And this handmade dream-catcher mobile is going to be proudly displayed in the baby’s new nursery.

I came home to Aron and a sleeping Hudson, so excited to share flowers, photos, leftover Thai food, and some beautiful memories. If you’re reading, thank you again to everyone who came and to Melissa and Emarie for being such generous hosts!
P.S. Does the American flag look familiar? Perhaps you remember this unique birthday dinner. Also, my thoughts on newborn essentials for a registry, from the year Hudson was born.
Update: Thanks everyone, the dress is from ASOS (and is on sale)!