We’ve been showing kids old travel photos and videos, and this past week we went through our trip to Sweden and Norway. (I miss travel planning!)
Just after, I found these virtual train rides, including the Flåm Railway we rode that summer. Organizing photos into family albums was high on my list of things to try and accomplish while at home—but so far I haven’t actually found that there’s any extra time to do such things. Still, it’s nice to reminisce. Anyone accomplishing some long-held goals?

Here are some links for this week. Hope you’re well…
There’s a bear sheltering in Davis. Recall that our college town in surrounded by farmland!
The biolumniescence videos coming out of Southern California right now are incredible! Check out these dolphins!
Novelist Arundhati Roy writes about the Pandemic, “a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.”
Which leads to… An interesting context in which to think about the 1918 flu and its aftermath.
Jim Henson on how to make your own puppets.
What to Ask Instead of ‘How Are You?’ During a Pandemic
It feels odd to shop for clothes, but my kids keep growing! Tea Collection is a favorite local brand, and they’re having a sale. We love their PJs and swimsuits.
But I would like some new sneakers.
Be There in Five is one of my new favorite ways to keep up with online trends.
Really enjoyed listening to Rabbit Hole last week. Listened to one about YouTube conservatism that was fascinating—if scary.
Picked this for a book club read.
Also, still making progress on this list.
I was feeling like my Spanish was improving until we started watching the new seasons of Narcos: Mexico
Got a silk eye mask and silk PJs as a gift before this all started, and have been SO grateful.
A sweet little beach house tour.
We’ve been having fun making all of those “internet-famous” recipes. I’d like to make this sauce to use with my eggs.
An old Mother’s Day Gift guide list. I still have those salt/pepper mills on my wishlist. And the Six Seasons cookbook has been pulled out a lot lately. Just made the best salad from it last night.
More inspiration, including a rose and rhubarb tart from last year and the smashed pavlova I’d like this year.