Tomorrow is December 1st, which means we will be pulling out the advent calendar and decorating the tree! Some of the traditions I’m looking most forward to…
Roasting marshmallows with friends, taking the kids to breakfast with Santa Claus, watching our favorite holiday movies (like The Snowman), pulling out the box of our favorite holiday books (and adding to it), frosting and decorating this Yule Log Cake, spreading cheer (aka mailing our holiday cards), baking (and sharing) cookies, dressing up for parties, looking at twinkle lights, and listening to Christmas music.
I also look forward to our book club’s local family adoptions and to the kids’ toy donations, and this year I’d like to incorporate this Jingle Jar tradition as a new way to give.
What traditions are you looking forward to over the holiday season?
Some Links of note…
New Zealand is constantly moving and the two islands are 14 inches closer to each other than they were two years ago.
A sweet, paper-cut advent calendar.
The star of this home tour might be the baby lamb (which, after much sleuthing, I discovered is taxidermy.)
Dogs catching treats. A few made me laugh out loud!
A 21st-century companion to a complicated 19th-century children’s classic.
Taking a closer look at who are the asylum-seekers.
“Lace Is More is Ballet Slippers’ longer-lasting, slightly less pink cousin” and other Into the Gloss picks.
The New York Times just announced their top 10 books of 2018. Did any make your list? What was your top read of the year?
Some of these are SO good. If your kids were making your day rough, this might help. (P.S. We measured the decibels of Skyler’s crying, too.)
We just read a really sweet book about making Latkes for Hanukkah.
Regular exercise may keep your body 30 years younger.
A sympathetic response from a teacher about taking kids out of school.
Children are still being separated from immigrant parents at the U.S.-Mexico border, although the Trump administration said it had halted its “zero tolerance” policy.
Have you heard!? Margaret Atwood is writing a sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale!
Find all of this year’s gift guides here! (For Her, Him, the Kiddos… A new one will be out on Monday with a couple more still to come!)
[Photo By Thomas Story for Sunset Magazine, see more from the feature in this post]