I vividly remember walking across this suspension bridge as a kid. My parents have a hilarious video (probably stashed away somewhere, on a giant Beta) of me crossing it—and crouching down every few steps when it would slightly sway!
The Capilano Suspension Bridge is just outside of Vancouver, in British Columbia, and is the longest suspension bridge in the world. When you step out onto it, it looks like it’s a mile long! It’s surely incredibly secure, but you do feel it moving with the wind and foot traffic as you cross a beautiful gorge, 230 feet (23 stories) in the air! Eeek!
I have a mild fear of heights. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach and my heart rate accelerating when I look over a steep cliff. Milan Kundera, in The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Are you afraid of heights? Do you have any phobias?
Here are links for your weekend. Hope it’s a good one!
More awesome (potentially) nerve-fraying pedestrian bridges.
This is incredible (and worth watching beyond the first minute). Would you be overjoyed or freaked out?
Dancers show their most difficult moves, in slow motion. Mesmerizing.
Architecture-inspired city prints.
Also in great design: a “light bean.”
Watermelon “popsicles” and the perfect picnic sandwich. (Here are some of my favorite picnic sandwich tips, if you’re inspired.)
I love the new summer colors of Herschel Supply Co. Little America Backpacks
A beautiful quote from the writer Zadie Smith on discoveries made while reading to her daughter: “this idea that every person is a world. How could I have forgotten that?”
A modern, nature-inspired nursery. (I’m excited to see the new book, The Glow
The 18 Most Underrated Cities. Do you agree? Which were still overlooked?
Light switch stickers. (It’s the little things.)
100-year-olds. (via Joanna)
Finally, the big story in the news this week has been the shootings in Santa Barbara. I’ve always liked these words from Mister Rogers, on how to talk to children about tragedy.
[Photos of the Capilano Suspension Bridge: Robin Stevens (he has lots of great photos of the entire Capilano park); BBC Travel; IHHWC tours]