At the start of the month, we drove out to Capay Valley—to Full Belly Farm, where I’d had my birthday party last year—for their annual Hoes Down Harvest Festival.
It’s not feeling particularly fall-like out here, and that day was especially hot. We stayed for just over an hour, rushing around to see as much as we could, before escaping back to the comfort of an air-conditioned car. It was easily 100 degrees.
It was a shame we had to go so soon. The event (now in its 27th year!) supports local community organizations and sustainable agriculture and is run by hundreds of volunteers and donors. It goes from 11am to 11pm—with music and farm demos and food—and then lots of people camp overnight. If you’re in the area, it’s definitely something to put on your calendar for the first weekend in October.
But even if you can’t make it, I thought it was inspiring as an example of ways to celebrate fall with one’s family—beyond the pumpkin patch! I always have a list going in the back of my mind (carving pumpkins, picking apples, baking pies…) but I could use some new ideas.
Some more autumn activities for you (and your kids):
Making Corn Husk Dolls
Gourd Painting
Salsa making (with end-of-season tomatoes)
Apple bobbing
Hay forts spelunking
Wreath making
Canning, preserving, and dehydrating (before winter comes)
Stringing Popcorn necklaces

Finally, before we left we caught a set from The Fearless Kin. We’d been listening to these lovely bluegrass harmonies and didn’t realize until we got closer: they range in age from 13 to 20. They were incredible!
Let’s hope next year feels a bit more like fall.
P.S. Apple picking.