Celebrating seven years of marriage today! Which means that, toddler and baby willing, we will eat something resembling our wedding cake, sip champagne, and watch what video we have of our wedding tonight! (Though, this year, I’m really feeling like revisiting the one from our honeymoon.)
After we got married and came home from Thailand, we basically had one week at home in Los Angeles to do little things like graduate from medical school, wrap up graduate school, and pack, before we drove all of our things across the country to New York City. We ate the top tier with plastic forks in the front seat of the U-Haul while listening to Bill Clinton’s audio book and looking out at rows (and rows) of corn.

So, on our first anniversary, we baked a cake to resemble the top tier of our wedding cake. It’s become a favorite tradition.
How do you like to celebrate anniversaries?

P.S. Happy Anniversary, love! xox