Aron sent me the link to today’s The Daily podcast this morning—an episode on “The Agony of Pandemic Parenting“—and it actually felt good to listen in comiseration this time. I’m not sure that a month ago that would have been the case. What a difference a week of school drop-offs makes. Monday morning, their first day back at their school in nearly 400 days, was greeted by all with such joy. The kids were excited to see their friends and teachers (Hudson remarked how each one’s hair looked different than on the screen), to play at recess, and to get out before lunch. We went out for tacos and Jarritos and cheers’d to a great first day back. We biked that day and the roads were filled with families. It was like the whole city suddenly woke up from a long nap. There are so many reasons to still be cautious and vigilant, but it felt really great.
Some other personal highs and lows this week? We took that hike last weekend and it was probably the most ambitious one we’ve done with the kids. (They did great!) We went all the way from the slopes around Muir Woods down to Stinson beach and back—around 1500 feet down (and up) over a 7-mile roundtrip!
Hudson got his floss stuck under a loose tooth and when I went to help him, I accidentally pulled out the tooth! And on Wednesday, we let him and his friend bike downtown together for the first time alone. Unfortunately, when he came back to their bikes, his was gone. (How crummy is it to steal a kid’s bike!?)
Skyler requested to go to a week of horse camp with the city this summer and somehow I got my hand on the buzzer fast enough to get in this year! Summer camp registration time is upon us and nothing spikes adrenaline quite like it.
Finally, today, we will drive up to Tahoe to check on the cabin and get it ready for warmer weather.
What will you be doing this weekend? Have a good one. Some links of note…
While I’ve been trying to turn the news off more, lately, for my own well-being and to focus on the kids going back to school this week, being able to look away is a privilege that weighs heavy on me. The rate at which black Americans are killed by police is more than twice as high as the rate for white Americans.
We twist ourselves up “trying to explain away the outcomes of systemic inequality. [We] never can.” A good, related read.
Also, “There is no new angle. There is no new hot take. There is very little new to be revealed.” Rage is the only language I have left.
Prince Philip will be laid to rest on Saturday.
In California, we are all fearing the next fire season.
Why do Wes Anderson movies look like that?
Johnson & Johnson Vaccinations paused
These photographs are incredible!
Google Earth introduces TimeLapse.
Hudson got sharpie on a favorite piece of clothing and I turned back to this old post to find a solution. (Thank you, Haley’s hints! Hairspray and handsoap worked!)
I’ve watched Monica showing her very Monica kitchen drawer multiple times. That custom insert!
“The movie gives almost unreasonable pleasure,” said Roger Ebert, 20(!) years ago of Bridget Jones’ Diary.
Love this summer dress. (Similar, but in a brighter color.)
I get so many questions about my sunhat. This one looks like it has the same tight palm weave that makes it my favorite.
Related: Today is the last day of the big ShopBop sale if you’re looking for a new dress or swimsuit.
A favorite non-physical exfoliant
Revisiting this question: Crossing California with Kids: I-5 vs Hwy 101?
Related: We are thinking of going someplace in driving distance this summer. Any favorite western road trips?
[Photo from National Lampoon’s Vacation and also from this old post on Making Road Trips Fun for Kids]