I keep promising a new travelogue and I’m sorry it’s taking me so long if you’ve been looking for it. I’d run into some problems getting the photos off of my phone, but I think I’ve got it all figured out now. Honestly, photo organization is forever on my most-requested gift list. I just want someone to come in and figure it all out for me! Any tips welcome.
Our week was packed with soccer and baseball (both Hudson) as the seasons wrap up and new teams are formed. We also have been celebrating a lot—moms, anniversaries, birthdays—and are quickly accelerating toward a lot of elementary school graduation activities (also Hudson). We welcomed back Davis’ Wednesday picnic-in-the-park tradition (I was on the 10 o’clock news!) and finished watching an old season of Amazing Race with the kids. This weekend, on Sunday, Aron and I will head to Indian Springs for a couple of nights to mark our 16th anniversary!
In my last post I mentioned being excited to see Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret, and we since took both kids to see it and loved it! I also mentioned a podcast interview with Sam Fragoso and Ethan Hawke that I’d planned to listen to, and I did and do recommend it as well. As for new recommendations, I have a couple I’ll leave in the links…
After hearing a fun interview between Conan O’Brien and Ed Helms, I’ve just begun listening to Helm’s podcast Snafu, wherein he describes an American security mistake that could have been disastrous during the Cold War and resembled a real life War Games (the ’80s-movie with Matthew Broderick).
Ferran Adrià and potato chips? Sold.
I’m a fan of Elise Loehnen, and am excited to read more from her! Her book comes out next week. (I also intend to go back and read her recent NYT Op-Ed)
Loved learning more about Tony Hawk’s Skatepark Project.
Curve-Fitting Methods and the Messages They Send
The Martha Stewart Swimsuit Illustrated cover… are you having conversations about this with your friends, too? The responses, the conversation, the feelings about aging pressures and aging well. I look forward to reading a more nuanced article about it. (And frankly, I hope it’s one written by a woman.)
How clever! A new-to-me lemon-juicing tool. Via Swissmiss.
Lately, when people have asked me about clothes on Instagram, I share the brand but also that I’m borrowing it from Nuuly. I’m back to subscribing (you can see a post about it here), and really enjoying it again. If you want to use my referral code, I think we both get a discount of $10.
Mostly I try out different jumpsuits. This one was a recent favorite, so I’m going to try the denim version next. (& I ended up keeping/buying this one, but in a different color.)
Have a great weekend!
[Shortbread Flower Cookies to try from Camille Styles/Eat Your Flowers by Loria Stern]