Hudson turned seven this week and tomorrow we’re having a shark-themed pool party with lots of his friends from first grade! I saw that National Geographic is sending a shark-themed cake to Busy Phillips in her IG stories and I can’t wait to see it. If only they’d send it over here! I’ll share some photos next week.
In the meantime, those photos up there (and after the break) are from our weekend in Tahoe. It was so wonderful getting out of the hot valley for a few days and into the cold water. I love it in the summer—even more than in the winter. If you’re looking for suggestions, here are all the posts on here about visiting Lake Tahoe. You can also check out @twopinestahoe and #twopinestahoe on Instagram.
Finally, while there’s lots of good things happening around here, this is the flip side. Every. damn. day.
Let’s start there…
Like, The Death of Foreign Policy and the constant galling statements.
What to know about the family reunification process. I can hardly go here… my heart just breaks. I wish the government in support had to physically take those babies away and live with the sound.
But then: “If what you are doing requires no sacrifice at all, then you can do more.” What can you do? What can I do? (Thanks to Erin for the link.)
Supporting the ACLU is a start. From A Cup of Jo today: “Says the ACLU: ‘Terrible stories are coming out every day: children forced to represent themselves in court, toddlers unable to recognize their mothers after time apart and babies returned to their parents covered in lice and rashes.’ Here’s how to help.”
If Obama were your dad. Sigh… (Thank you, Jessica Stanley.)
Renowned book critic, Michiko Kakutani discussing Trump’s “absurd ‘double negative’ remarks. ‘He’s rendering language meaningless,’ she says. ‘It’s all this chaos all the time. I do think he’s like the Joker. He thrives on chaos and anarchy, and it’s all part of getting people cynical so they don’t care…'”
She has a new book coming out, The Death of Truth.
Antipasto salad is the thing I didn’t know I wanted. Until now.
Are you a fan of radishes with butter and salt? This sounds amazing.
A gorgeous grilling book for staying out of the kitchen.
I wish this had been available when I lived in New York. A guide to summer pools.
One of my favorite children’s brands, Tea Collection, has a tween collection now and goes up to size 16!
Very local: Christy Dawn is from Placerville!
Shared all of my Nordstrom Sale Picks this morning.
P.S. Back to the really important stuff: Are you registered to vote? Are you counting down the days?