What are you looking forward to this weekend? We are driving to Tahoe to stay at the cabin; it’s been so long since our last visit and I’m excited to see those early signs of Fall! And while we won’t be in town, I’m excited to see that the Manettri Shrem Museum, The UC Davis art museum, is open again! Every weekend they host Art Studio Labs where the kids can come in to paint or otherwise get creative (pictured). If you’re local, definitely check it out! Here’s their programs and exhibits catalog.
This week, I’m hoping you might be the one to share some links with me: what other blogs do you read and enjoy these days? When I first started blogging, everyone used to put something called a blogroll on his or her site and it was common to discover new content that way. Or they’d link to smaller, up-and-coming sites on a Friday link list. Now I tend to save posts from my regular reads on Feedly, a news aggregator application for a variety of online sources—it’s the way I started reading blogs after Google Reader shut down years ago. But I fear my feed has thinned lately, as least when it comes to blogs. I just check the same handful, and otherwise discover links throughout the week on news sites. Most of what sticks with me is from the same few large publications, like the New York Times or The Atlantic. I’d love to find some new sites to include and to share. Please share your favorites—your own sites included, of course! The same kindness is really what lent this blog its readership over the years.
In the meantime, some other links of note…
What should your daily serving of fruits and vegetables really look like?
Talking to boys the way we talk to girls.
Aron is constantly aghast at the public sharing of Venmo charges. This is for you, babe.
Hans Zimmer and Radiohead on creating the sound for Blue Planet 2. (With the beautiful trailer!)
What Hugh Hefner does and doesn’t deserve credit for. (Thanks, Erin.)
We just got tickets to see Hillary Clinton when she comes to UC Davis!
If, like me, you are fed up with hearing “ungrateful” in response to the the #takeaknee protests, or if you want to know why it makes me mad, please read this.
These two tv clips are also powerful. Via Kottke and The Daily Show.
The PR battle to get help in Puerto Rico: “This is not a good news story! This is a people-are-dying story.” Also, how to help.
Vox’s list of best new Fall TV: what are you watching?
Wow, Case Study planters are now on Amazon.
An Afghan Hound, swimming underwater. Mesmerizing.
Everything is #PumpkinSpice
Any Halloween costume leads? Our kids are doing their own thing again this year, so Aron and I are plotting. Here are some past costume posts, if you are doing the same—for yourself or the kids:
30 of the best costumes for kids
And some more DIY ones
And some of our favorites over the years, plus last year.