The last day of school was full of emotions—mostly mine—as we celebrated the end of preschool. So much of both of our children’s lives have been spent with the wonderful teachers there, many of whom were there when Aron went, and we couldn’t have felt more grateful for their warm, playful, nurturing influence. Meanwhile, Hudson looks like he’s aged two years, not one, since the start of second grade, and the swift passage of time is all too clear as he enters third.
Still, I’m not complaining: I know it’s only a good thing that we get to witness their growing up—and we couldn’t be prouder of the people they’re becoming. Every year brings new delight.
And now the fun: summer! I’m going to take a little break here while we go on a family trip. Thank you for all of your New York suggestions!
I hope you’ll take a look around some of the archives—especially the travel section—for your own adventures.
Some links of note, gathered on Friday…
One of the sweetest NPR interviews I heard this week was about this Tiny Desk concert.
Robes have never been my packing staple, but maybe they should be. (Like this one.)
“It’s even worse when he tells the truth.”
Writing advice for getting your emails returned.
And, conversely, sorry for the delayed response.
So romantic! (i.e. Go ahead, & Other Stories… take all my money.)
An epic road trip.
The primary debate roster, per the DNC.
While we’re on the subject of summer books, “the invention of the beach read.”
Snap peas and burrata: two of summer’s best food groups together.
And something else I’d like to try. (via Kottke)
Aron and I have been stunned while watching Chernobyl—it’s hard to believe we were Hudson’s age when it happened!
Plus, the challenge of dramatizing an event for a story about the risks lies present.
Beware the deepfakes.
P.S. Isn’t this underwater photo by Alix Martinez magical?