We had lots to celebrate this past weekend–our fifth wedding anniversary and my first mother’s day! (And we celebrated our own mothers and my dad’s birthday in spirit!) These are some of my favorite photos.

Taking a ride through the West Village and up the Hudson river on a bicycle-built-for-two. (We pretended the skywriting was in our honor!)

Laughing as Hudson finally got the nerve to say hello to the very loud vacuum. (One day we will have a real, full-size vacuum, by the way, and I never thought I’d be so excited at such a prospect.)

Taking baby steps. And seeing the playground slowly fill with fathers on mother’s day weekend.

Champagne and “wedding cake” for watching our ceremony and first dance (and for savoring all weekend).

Blushing while our neighbors took our five-year-photo and dinner downtown.

Mother’s day madness at all the street vendors Saturday night.
Being surprised with a very generous present at the most beautiful Apple store.

Picnicking (and sleeping) in Central Park.

Watching Hudson play with the baby from the next blanket over and discovering they were born on the very same day!

Except for my spilling a mother’s day latte all over our white couch first thing Sunday morning, it was a weekend full of good surprises. Like some first steps–eek! We caught a few on video…