The day-after wrap up: Skyler put on her entire costume again and wore it to preschool. Hudson told me “that was my favorite Halloween yet!” And I drove to the school dropoff in my PJs and slippers for the first time. I think it’s fair to say, a good time was had by all…

It sort of began last weekend, with an adult Halloween party. Aron and I made a spice cake with maple frosting and decorated it, “Rest in Pieces.”

We dressed up as Margot and Richie Tenenbaum. If you didn’t recognize us, that’ probably because the movie is 17 years old! What?!

Skyler was Queen Elsa of Arendelle. And boy did she nail it. Consider my frozen heart thawed.

We gave her a new bubble wand to use as her ice scepter (the beloved one from Disneyland had bit the dust) and she doled out those bubbles like Marie Antoinette did cake. Actually, she is incredibly generous—I noticed her handing out her candy (two bags of Skittles and one pack of M&Ms to a girl she saw crying). She sang “Let it Go” and pretended to tap-dance in those sparkly shoes. And I loved that she relished being a Queen, “not a princess.” (We’ll skip over the part that it’s because Elsa’s parents died.)

Hudson chose a Ghostbuster costume this year, which was a complete surprise considering he had never seen the movie or the cartoon. I believe it was the “gun” that first caught his eye, so Aron and I were happy to watch the movie with him and show him that his proton pack is actually way cooler. I loved singing the theme song with him, and watching him do his new little “cool hands” move he has picked up at school.
There’s a part of me that missed the homemade element of the kids’ costumes, but I did not miss the 2am hot-glue-gun session, and all that matters is that the kids are happy—and they loved their costumes!

Hudson school had a parade in the morning and Skyler wore some ladybug accessories to preschool (to preserve the royal vestments), and then we were off to the downtown treat trail. They close off some of the streets and hand out candy from 2-4:30pm, and the Varsity Theatre shows Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin for free.
Every year, one of the highlights is seeing the family who dresses up as The Ghostbusters—car included!—and this year it was extra special! Hudson was thrilled to be one of the crew.

There were a few creepy costumes, but most were more sweet or clever—or Star Wars derived. There was definitely safety in the galaxy yesterday.
A few of my favorites? A Ruth Bader Ginsburg and a Lebowski spotted drinking a White Russian at the local pub (you can just make him out with the beard and sunglasses in the back, above).
We were also wowed by a kid who had made himself a space shuttle suit where he was the giant rocket and the shuttles were on his back.

Skyler found her people, too. (Along with a few more Annas and Elsas not pictured.)

We found a Steve Zissou on the street, and a few other Wes Anderson fans. #FantasticMrFox

And we all had fun running into friends in the daylight.
Before meeting up with others for trick-or-treating in the dark.

Until next year, Halloween!
Now… time to vote!
P.S. How to prepare for the midterms (Tuesday, November 6th), and this year’s pumpkin patch photos.