Another Halloween has come and gone! I feel like I say this every month, but I can’t believe it’s November already!
Our friend who hosts everyone for a trick-or-treat party on Halloween night remarked that while some holidays are getting out of hand, he’s totally into the escalation of Halloween. I’m on board with that, too. I love seeing everyone out in costume. This year, they finally closed off the streets in downtown to traffic and it was awesome how many people came out.
Here are just a few photos of our family costumes and a couple I snapped of others…

Aron and I dressed up as John and Yoko (though I don’t think many people below the age of 50 recognized us).

Hudson took this one of us—I love it! Aron grew back his beard last week just for the occasion.

Hudson was an astronaut and looked amazing! He and Aron worked on the jet pack together, inspired by a Pinterest pin I found: the candy goes into the hose and travels into the jet pack! They spray painted a box and water bottles, used felt for the flames, attached a washing-machine hose for the candy, made straps out of duct tape, and glued NASA stock logos to it!

After starting her day in a Fire Chief jacket for school, Skyler had chosen to wear a lion costume for the afternoon. However, when it came time to get up from her afternoon nap, she was having none of it. But after about an hour of sulking, she decided she wanted to get dressed up after-all—as a “meow-meow.” Lions are far too fierce.

The costumes downtown were all fantastic, but our friends’ politically-inspired ones took the prize! Trump’s dad here—dressed as Bernie—happened to be visiting from the UK. It was perfect!

It started to rain around 5pm, but we still joined friends for another round of trick-or-treating.

The crew gets bigger and bigger every year!

Hope you had a happy halloween, too!