While Sunday was a bit grey and rainy this year, the kids’ faces shined just as brightly as ever as they darted back and forth across Aron’s parents’ lawn in search of eggs.
Here are some photos of the fun…

The kids came into our room early—as usual. We’d just started asking Hudson this past week to be dressed for school before breakfast, so I was so surprised when he came into the room already in a button-down shirt I’d laid out the night before. He really dislikes button-downs, so he seemed especially proud that he’d still gotten ready in it.

It’s hard to keep the Easter morning baskets in check when you make last-minute Target runs, so they got a few actual gifts this year instead of candy. We shared the credit with the Easter bunny.

That face Skyler is making? That’s her “my brother is so awesome, he knows how to use a bubble gun” face. There’s about to be a thumbs-up sign.

Here’s the part where the photos get really gratuitous, because I just can’t pick a favorite.

I asked them to show me their favorite pose. Hudson’s is sort of robot-ninja-esque and Skyler did a spin. She calls any dress that sort of puffs out a tutu. “It got a tutu!”

Aron and Skyler helped with Swedish-style cardamom rolls while I played Easter bunny in the yard.

When the other kids arrived, we sent them out right away to try and beat the rain—which they didn’t mind at all! We had three around Skyler’s age, so they got a 20-second head start. Nonetheless, not one managed to snag a single egg in that time! The difference between the little and big kids’ pace never fails to surprise me!

Not to worry, however. There was plenty of loot to go around!

Hope those of you who celebrated had a happy Easter!
P.S. Last year.
[My dress was a gift from Sonnet James—thank you! I wrote about the company here.]