Spring break topped with Easter weekend! What a rush!
We spent Easter Sunday with friends and family: First, opening a few small presents left by the Easter Bunny. And second, marveling at how much the kids have grown since our first get-together with friends in Davis, three years ago. A few highlights from the day…

Bunny ears and books were waiting for the kids when they woke up. (Skyler is puckering up as she pretends to eat the cupcakes in her board book.)

Aron’s parents, John and Chris, once again welcomed us all into their beautiful yard.

The routine hasn’t changed much, but the candy quantity has certainly been amped up. I filled the eggs with raisins, banana chips, and cheddar bunnies when everyone was two, but now they know better: marshmallows, sweet tarts and the like were the bounty instead.

With all of the babies down to only one (later) nap and the older kids content to play together and investigate the loot, the treat for us was a relatively leisurely brunch!

Hope those who celebrated had a nice holiday!
P.S. Easter last year (when, I see, we also happened to skip dying eggs).
Update: Skyler’s pajamas are from Tea Collection and her dress is from Mini Boden.