Of all of the beautiful markets that pop up around the holidays, the Remodelista one may be my favorite. I don’t think there was a single vendor whose wares I didn’t admire or covet. The prices tend to be higher, the assembly a bit more aspirational—but the selection also tends toward heirloom, so it’s inspirational as well.
Are you familiar with the site Remodelista? I subscribe and have to confess that there are too many posts each day for me to keep apace. But I can never bring myself to unsubscribe because it’s so full of gems. The founder, Julie Carlson, launched the site as a digital guide to home design and so on any given day you’re as likely to find a round-up of well-designed faucets as you are a minimalist home tour. If you don’t own a home or aren’t remodeling a kitchen, it can be easy to scroll past. But they’ve got a talent for finding beauty in the practical, and I love seeing who they bring to their market.
This year, we even got a babysitter and made a date out of going into the city to visit!
Some highlights…
Up top: Silvia Song‘s gorgeous carved wood (smooth as butter), greenery at the terrain booth, and ceramics by Sarah Kersten.

Bags by Flint; knives and cutting boards by, I believe, Million and Clark (there were also beautiful walnut boards by Jacob May there at the Quitokeeto booth).

VanderMolen Ceramics (we brought home a bowl), greens at the Petaler, and wreaths by terrain.
A birdhouse kit from Scout Regalia we surely should have brought home (it looks just like our house!) and the best new take on the butterfly chair by The Citizenry.

And of course the always lovely Heath. (The market is held inside Heath’s SF factory space. Follow the link to see more interior shots from two years ago.) Here’s a list of all of the vendors.

P.S. That pizza truck is inspiring me to revisit this recipe project. Also, there’s a Blue Bottle coffee bar inside the Heath space.