Anything fun on the horizon? We’re driving up to Tahoe and I’m looking forward to some beach time, some reading, and plenty of board games. It’s strange to look at the calendar and see August flying by, so hopefully we can savor these last few weeks before school starts.
Hope your summer is going swimmingly! Some Friday links…
I love the design of this hotel! [pictured at top] We’ve never stayed in Malibu—only visited—on our trips to Los Angeles. It doesn’t look like a great spot to bring the kids, though; maybe a roof deck date night on our next time in town.
Related: All of the past travel guides to Los Angeles.
How to nurture adult friendships.
The scope of California’s fires is unprecedented and has resulted in the closure of Yosemite National Park as firefighters battle 17 large fires, one of which is the largest fire in California’s history. Heartbreaking.
Feminized tech is all around us. Are actual human women starting to look a little bit unreal?
This dress looks so good! And comes in so many colors!
Also loving this linen one.
Enjoyed reading these favorite design decisions featured on Design Sponge.
Trying to discern the real death toll in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria.
Why it’s so easy to gain weight in America
All the non-Russian, non-policy, corruption stuff we should also be upset about.
This ad for assisted shaving… thanks for that salty tear in my coffee, Gillette.
Pickled iceberg? I’m intrigued!
The best of California’s cheeses.
Teaching kids how to put on a condom in Sex-Ed class is illegal in Mississippi. (WTF?!) This guy does a great job getting around it.
What do you do when someone who inspires you turns out to be awful? Seems to be a big problem lately.
Brilliant way to make sandwiches for a crowd! (Focaccia, no less!)
I appreciate the level of detail taken in this faux/real monstera leaf examination.
A new children’s book from Dave Eggers about being a citizen.
Thanks for reading! Have a great weekend!