This year’s fireworks from Chelsea piers–just across the inlet from Katy Perry, Kenny Chesney, and a surprising number of people on stilts.

Ashley and I are always a little bitter about Macys’ hijacking the public parks along the waterfront for the city’s celebration–the cost, I suppose, of a free show–but what a celebration it is. This year was as spectacular as any!

The fireworks scared Hudson at first, but once he got used to them, he happily watched with his headphones (brought along to protect his young ears from loud sounds). In spite of blaring yacht horns, thunderous explosions, screams (and cheers of “hearts and smiley faces, hearts and smiley faces”) all around, he was passed out just ten minutes into the 30 minute show–and stayed asleep through morning. It was a great night!
The past three years’ celebrations: 2011, 2010, and 2009.