When I was growing up, I was the lucky kid who got to have Hostess Cupcakes and Ho-Hos (or Little Debbie Swiss Rolls) in my lunch bag, and to this day I can’t resist that oddly distinct combination of slightly waxy chocolate and cream. I won’t let myself buy a box of the cakes, in fact, as I know I’d polish it off within the day. Okay, within the hour. Do you have any (guilty) nostalgic treats like that?
Sometimes I come across a recipe—like this one, pictured—that tells me I’m not alone. The resemblance is uncanny! And these are Vegan and Gluten-Free.
Here are two more recipes for recreating nostalgic comfort foods at home: DIY Magic Shell and Homemade Oreo filling.
And some links for the weekend…
How to get out of a funk. Some suggestions.
Shopping isn’t on the list, but those Sam Edelman Chelsea boots that never go on sale are on sale.
On my to-read wish list. Any reviews?
My pantry is jealous of Mandy Moore’s pantry.
“Like mainlining brown butter.” Sold! (via SwissMiss)
Can you solve this brain teaser?
I love that Emily put “House Manager/Personal Assistant/Mom” on the list of jobs she’s hiring for on her website. The transparency of what it takes to grow her business!
The beauty of a kale salad is that it doesn’t get soggy!
The best Chrome extensions, according to Wired.
I’ve been watching the short-lived series Bunheads on Hulu, and let me tell you: if you’re missing Gilmore Girls and haven’t watched this… do it!
If you’re in New York, consider checking out The Art of Breastfeeding: Modern Narratives of Motherhood, an exhibit Leigh Pennebaker is co-curating with Martina Secondo Russo in celebration of International Women’s Month. A portion of proceeds from the show will benefit La Leche League. The opening reception is March 10, 2018, 7-10 pm, at MF Gallery, 213 Bond Street, Brooklyn. I wish I could go!
Finally, and most importantly, as we continue to grapple with the Parkland School Shooting and all of the endless, senseless loss of lives to guns, some articles I keep coming back to…
How to Prevent Gun Deaths: Where the experts and the public agree. These numbers are fascinating to me. When you’re watching people debate this stuff on Facebook, it can feel like nothing will ever change. It’s good to be reminded that there’s a lot most of us agree about. So, if we want change, we need to vote out those who aren’t representing our interests… saving lives. (Also relevant: We Have a Model for Regulating Guns: Automobiles)
Thoughts and prayers and NRA funding. (Where the money is going.) We all heard Senator Rubio say it’s not about money: “The influence comes from the millions of people that agree with the agenda, the millions of Americans that support the NRA,” in response to whether or not he’ll decline NRA contributions. It read as disingenuous and evasive, but it’s also true: matching those funds won’t be enough, it is going to take votes.
Still, consider a donation to Everytown for Gun Safety. And then contact your congressional representatives and tell them to act on sensible gun-control legislation. Remind them that the midterm elections are less than nine months away, and explain that we voters will remember this shooting—and all the ones that follow—when we’re in the voting booths this November. The website for Everytown has other action items to consider as well and is worth a look.
And understanding the differences between AR-15 and handgun wounds, from a radiologist and first-responder. Many friends told me this should be mandatory reading. See if you agree.
[Photo by Thomas at Full of Plants]