Any fun plans for the weekend? We’re heading up to Tahoe for a couple of nights at the cabin. And after my post about the youth kayak, our friends offered to lend us one! So I’m looking forward to some time on the big blue. Have a good one!
Some links if you’re in the mood…
Can’t wait to see The Color Factory next week at the press preview! It looks amazing!!
I’m part of a micro-generation. That makes a lot of sense.
Related: Before the internet.
Embroidery Art. (Remember these?)
Which do you like best? I’m all about a hot buttered bun with lobster and mayo—team Maine.
This tree story… I would have cried, too! (But don’t get too sad: Here’s the final outcome.)
Also, love a good before and after.
Screen time rules. A frequent topic among friends.
Alicia Lund (a Sacramento-local) put together a great chill playlist.
It’s been too long since I’ve seen the Pacific ocean. Thinking of a trip to a Bay Area beach.
Liz’s pictures from her backpacking trip in Alaska are incredible. Full stop.
This cinemagraph is awesome!
These Rome tours sounds awesome for families.
This coverup! (And that Mara Hoffman dress from a few weeks back? It went on sale.)
“This is not a Nordstrom link.” I think McSweeney’s needs to publish something I can post every year on the first day of the Nordstrom sale. Something like “It’s Decorative Gourd Season, M***…”
And finally, learned that Instagram often blocks comments that include full email addresses. Those that learned with me during the closet sale, thank you for being so understanding!
Have a great weekend!
[Top photo from Mara Hoffman]