Skyler’s birthday was yesterday—so it was such a treat to have a party and celebrate it on the actual day! She has her own friends at school now, so she was very excited to welcome them to her house. I was so proud and happy watching her greet them as they came in and offer them blueberries. It felt like it was really her party—as much as possible it was exactly like the pretend ones she’s been holding with her pretend cake for a long time, now.
Here are some photos from the morning…

We decided that Hudson would be the only big kid this time, so it was just the little kids. Everyone was tiny and it reminded us of a time when everyone we knew just had one child.

Skyler still sings “Hello, everybody,” from Music Together all the time, so we asked her teacher if she would come and lead a mini-session. Aron was across from us when it started and said Skyler looked amazed, like she couldn’t believe it was really happening.
I love this photo of everyone dancing to “Let it Go!” Aron looks like he’s posed as a religious icon in a colorful mural.

If anyone wanted a break to play, there were blocks waiting in Hudson’s room.

After the music, we moved in a little kid’s table that we rented for the afternoon, and got ready for cake.
Because decorating a pretend-cake is one of Skyler’s all-time favorite things to do, we made 9-mini cakes, one for each child, and then added a spoonful of frosting and set out candy and sprinkles for decorating them. I thought it was so adorable.Everyone but Hudson still had those chubby little wrists. They took so much care with their cakes and really took their time making thoughtful placements of gum drops and the like. My thought was that they could take some home to share with siblings or with their parents, but—silly me—most bit into them like giant cupcakes.

We also set out extra candles so everyone could make it a birthday cake. We had picked out the trick re-lighting kind, which was a surprise for everyone—including us!

I also decorated one extra cake to be sure we would have one for singing “Happy Birthday” (Skyler’s other favorite song), and I think the candle was out before the end of the first verse. Skyler couldn’t wait!

It was short, sweet, and simple, and perfectly Skyler! I think she loved it—which made Aron, Hudson, and I so happy.
Love this darling one! Happy birthday, Skyler!
P.S. Hudson’s third birthday party.
[Updated sources: Paper fans, honeycombs, birthday button, party hats, straws, confetti garland, gift bag (sign), sticker letters from Target; Balloons, plates, and cups from Party City; Cake Decorations from Michael’s; Paper ring garland by the kids; Skyler’s dress by Tea Collection]