Any fun plans this weekend? We are going out to dinner with friends before seeing Free Solo. As someone with mild vertigo, I can tell you that it looks dizzying but also beautiful. I’m really interested to see what we think of it, particularly in the wake of the news that two people just died from a fall in Yosemite a few days ago.
We also have a Halloween party to go to on Saturday. I’ll post photos of our costume. I think we’re almost set… I just need a wig. And we’re doing some more birthday celebrations on Sunday night—both Aron and his mother had birthdays this past week.
Okay, last weekend before Halloween… are you all set?
Here are a few things you might find useful from the archives, followed by some links of note…
30 of the best Halloween Costumes for Kids (and babies and the whole family)
The Easiest, Most Indulgent Pumpkin Dessert
How to Make Slimey, Spacey Goo
And finally, fall activities that go beyond the pumpkin patch.
It’s not quite bundle-up weather around here, but I went shopping with some friends yesterday and, man, all the fall coats! What is it about wool coats? I really only need one, but I love them all! I’m especially a sucker for these toggle numbers.
Universal Childhood. “Children deserve to spend their days in the company of peers, having fun, and discovering the world with the help of loving, well-compensated adults.”
Also, it’s okay to say no to playing with your child.
Buckeyes… yum! My parents used to make a version of these before holiday parties, and Aron’s aunt sends them from Ohio every Christmas.
Candy around the world. “No matter your brand, it will always deliver similar things: the rose-tinted pleasure of nostalgia, a brief respite from adulthood and, well, whatever else it is that sugar does for morale. Despite all our differences, candy speaks to a fundamentally shared humanity; we like a lot of the same stuff.”
A non-sugary Halloween treat for kids. (And because there’s something really satisfying about using a highligher at any age.)
Making: Homemade granola bars.
People need a distraction. Thanks, Justin Bieber.
Also, some of these are so good.
Are sibling relationships more important than parent-child ones?
Would you put a microchip in your thumb?
Love this write up of Jenny’s family trip to Rome!
One of my favorites has a new album out, C’est La Vie.
This might be our next show.
Readers write in about the use of the word “caravan” and the stoking of fear.
A President who condones violence
Finally, gear up for “The Last Weekend!”
[Top image via Abercrombie]