I can’t remember when, exactly, I last wore denim with zippers at the ankle, but it has been well over 20 years. I think it was around the time I was dressing as the punk-rocker incarnation of Madonna and lip-syncing to “Material Girl.”
Once I retired the last pair (likely with acid-wash and an upside-down triangle label on the rear), I never thought I’d see the trend again.
Never say never.
I tried out a pair of Rockstar Ankle-Zip Jeans from Old Navy for a dinner date with Aron over our weekend in Calistoga and loved them (especially with high heels, an equally rare treat).
Turns out these ones have just enough stretch to fit snuggly on the legs and still accommodate my growing pregnant bump (so I’ve been wearing them all week).

By the way, Hudson was with me when I found these at Old Navy (along with these cool Rockstar coated skinnies that look a bit like leather) and he spotted this raccoon sweatshirt in the kids section.
I’ve never seen him so excited about a piece of clothing. It’s a bit warm here for sweatshirts (though the evenings are growing cooler), and still he didn’t want to take the hood off!

Are you into the zipper trend for fall? (I love that they mean getting to wear more brass and metallic embellishments.) Were you around for the first wave of ankle-zips?
On me: Rockstar Ankle-Zip Jeans by Old Navy, and (in top outfit) Necklace by Anthropologie,Tank by Zara, Slingbacks by Emerson Fry; (in second outfit) Peasant top by Edme & Esyllte, Watch by Michael Kors
On Hudson: Costume Hoodie by Old Navy, trousers by Zara, Salt Water Sandals by Hoy
This post was sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s latest fashion lineup in store or online at oldnavy.com. Thank you for supporting Hither & Thither.