Every year when the Almond orchards around Davis fill with flowers, we try to make sure to take the kids out to see them and get a few family photos. This year was the first year Aron couldn’t make it to the Capay Valley Almond blossom festival (it happened last weekend) and it just happened that it was the first year I can recall that the orchards were actually hitting their peak; so I was thrilled to learn that on Tuesday he would be home a bit early and we could all drive out to revisit some local trees together. It’s always so fun to watch the kids dart around under these blooms, talk about the buzzing bees, and know that spring is just days away.
Here are some photos from the afternoon. I can’t believe how tall Skyler has gotten!

We followed up with dinner in Winters, a charming small town just outside of Davis, at a local institution—The Buckhorn. But there are so many great places to eat there, if you find yourselves out that way: Preserve, Ficelle, Putah Creek Cafe (check hours)… and some wine bars, too. We are lucky to know some farmers in the area, but I should note that many orchards will frown upon trespassing. Still, it’s a wonderful time for a drive out that way if you’re local! You could combine it with a drive to see the wildflowers and to check out the Glory Hole at Lake Berryessa.
P.S. Almond Blossom snapshots from 2016, 2014, and 2013. Also, two recipes for using your almonds: Plum tart with almond streusel and Maple Almond Butter.