How was your week? I felt like this one flew by and I still have a lot of items I was hoping to cross off the sticky-note hanging from my computer monitor. One of the big items on that list is to figure out how we’re celebrating Skyler’s upcoming birthday. She’s very excited about turning eight and had lots of ideas involving her whole class and I need to figure out some very small, low-key alternatives that still seem exciting while being Omicron-appropriate. Last year we celebrated over Zoom with three of her girlfriends (photo above), so I know we can top that!
How have you been celebrating birthdays these last couple of years? Your or your childrens’?
Stay healthy and enjoy the weekend!
Some links of note…
Martin Luther King Jr. was more radical than we remember. “This Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we would do his memory justice by honoring all of his legacy. Not just the parts that make white Americans comfortable.” (An article I appreciated last year.)
This popped up when I Googled “What is Wordle?” and I’m not sure it helped… I feel about 100 years old. (But gave it a try and got “209 6/6” on it. What does that mean?)
Perhaps the best humor piece I’ve read lately about the in-person/virtual school arguments happening online.
Also, this Trevor Noah clip (to which I had only heard the audio) made me chuckle this week.
On the other hand this article (“Omicron means parents are doing it again, this time dead inside”) has been sent to me multiple times and I haven’t been able to get myself past the (resonant) headline. Maybe this weekend.
Two home tours I’ve found inspiring of late: Via Emily Henderson and A Cup of Jo
And this blown-up of blown-up gum would be fantastic in a kids’ room.
Making friends as an adult is hard. And here’s an another article on that.
This was fun: Let’s settle some age-old debates.
Thank you for the TV recs last week. I’m also intrigued by the many on this list which I haven’t seen yet.
We are considering a trip to Costa Rica once it feels sensible. Looking back on this travelogue to soothe my wanderlust. Any favorite places you’ve visited or stayed there for me to pin and pine over?
Until then, travel plans for travel bans from The New Yorker.