The past couple of weeks have been filled with end-of-year celebrations (like popsicles and crazy hair days) and I am ready for the weekend!
The kids are out of school—yesterday was the last day—and we’ve already played some mini-golf and went on a trip to the zoo. This morning, after making pancakes, I threw out a ton of loose school papers and hid the computers. In other words, bring it on, summer.
The celebrating really all began last week: we drove down to Southern California for a one-day trip to Disneyland (which was awesome), and then returned to little league playoffs. I know I bemoaned them as unnecessary, but it has been very exciting. (And I love hanging out with the other parents in the stands.) Hudson’s team won all three games and is in the final two for the coming weekend. Now, next week, the summer camps begin.
Because in all honesty, as romantic as lazy, unscheduled summer days sound, I’m excited for some full-day routines. I think, after 16 or so months, we’re all ready to have lunch apart. I’m sure I’ll feel some guilt about not pushing them to find creativity in boredom or something like that, but I’m going to try to ignore that feeling and revel in knowing they’re playing with other kids and I’m free to make plans in more than two-hour bursts.
In fact, I’d love to write more, now, but I’ll try again after camp begins…
Some links of note…
Related: This essay about parenting and balance over the past year, by Abigail Rasminsky on A Cup of Jo, resonated so much.
I’ve been inspired by Jesse Marble (and her family’s love story) for years. I didn’t know her but I’ll miss her. F*ck cancer.
Why do some want to keep conversations about structural racism away from children? Good question.
Loving the History, photographed Instagram account
50 children’s picture books that spotlight the LGBTQ+ movement
On my to-read list: How a City Comes Back to Life
Are these the eight secrets to a (fairly) fulfilled life?
Keeping this list of hotels handy.
“Hey Guys.” Fascinating.
Mosquito control articles are definite click-bait for me. Always trying. (This is the personal repellant that I favor.)
Just finished Mare of Easttown. Was gripped and then rocked.
Looking back at our old summer to-do list for some good inspiration. The kids and I are working on an updated version for this year. (Skyler requests water balloons.)
Going to keep some of these on hand for summer: the best (non-alcoholic, zero calorie) beer alternative I’ve tried.
Best cutoff shorts. I’m not usually a shorts-person, but I like wearing these a little loose on my hips. They flare out just enough.
Such a cute, retro floral-print on this bikini
Aron got me silk pjs and few years ago and I love them. A new tank sleepset is on my radar.
Finally, a few people wrote to ask about a favorite white t-shirt after my Disney post. I feel like my taste changes over the years, but my current pick is the H&M Basics one.
[Photo from this recipe, Grilled Salmon with basil, watermelon, and tomatoes]