Aron had taken the next 10 days off for our summer travel, so we are all taking a break in Lake Tahoe. Summer is my favorite season here, and it will be a good lead up to next weekend’s special celebrations: Hudson turns nine! And Aron’s parents celebrate 50 years of marriage!
I’m doing my best to come up with some fun surprises for our fella, since he can’t be with all his friends. I don’t think a night goes by when Aron and I don’t repeat to each other some thing he has said or done that day with the conclusion “he’s just the sweetest.” We would, of course, love him regardless, but it’s true! I don’t know that I can imagine a kinder boy. And he’s bright and inquisitive and fun to boot. I hope we can make his birthday special. So far he’s asked for mom’s cottage-cheese pancakes for breakfast and daddy’s “best-burgers-ever” for dinner, so I’d say we’re off to a good start. That, we can do.
Some links of note…
Yikes. Would this be inspiring or ominous? The 4k Weeks Poster.
The trailer for the new Aretha Franklin biopic—wow!
The 1619 project is being adapted for the screen.
Hudson loved his Weaving loom. Thinking of getting this set for Skyler.
Looking at desk solutions and love this minimal set-up. Could I teach myself to build it?
A puzzle-brand comparison I’ve had open in my tabs since March. Are you still doing puzzles?
What Should I Do With My Life?
A one-hour listen on the history of American police.
Andrew Bird is posting lots of videos of him playing on Instagram and I love it.
The only way I’ll get to go back to Palm Springs anytime soon.
On my to-read list, especially in light of all the challenges this pandemic poses to friendships.
The Atlantic reports on the eight steps we need to take to reopen schools. (P.S. I need to subscribe to them—so many articles I want to read lately.)
Case in point: It’s “not just that the dying deserve to be heard or that their wisdom is valuable, but that the living need to have the chance to hear them.” On the loss of last words.
The Art of Noticing. An antithesis to digital overload?
Why won’t we learn? “Among all the world’s wealthy countries [deaths] have only multiplied like this in America.”
An abortion study that addresses the what if?
A future without cars? What if it happened in Manhattan?
How to dry herbs—they look so pretty!
Bring on the dresses. Such a lovely print on this one. & one to pick up at Target!
And the linen!
Audiobook subscription options (includes Audible, but there are others!)
Just added The Margot Affair to my summer reading wishlist after Jenny Rosenstrach’s recommendation.
Which hand gestures would you vs your kids use?
[Pictured: taste-test from Aron’s new book, How to Cocktail]